As a hobby I play badminton and used to host a weekly badminton society that would get 120 members per week in attendance! So, I chose to make an app that would provide a solution to the problem we were all facing in booking courts and finding new people to play!
Before I even thought about designing the app, I did interviews with members of the badminton society to see what they wanted in a solution. From this I made low fidelity versions of the app that I had people test to find the flaws and what the user expects from the app. After that I did the design process of making dynamic shapes and energetic colours to capture how a game of badminton swiftly flows.
An important function of this website is in how inclusive it is of all different play styles and skill levels. Users are able to easily select and join courts matched to their badminton goals. Resulting in helping to speed up the process of booking badminton courts and to promoting community!
The link to the test version is available below:

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